Dishing Up the Dirt

Bok Choy, Kale & Beet Slaw with Creamy Cashew Dressing

Salad season is here at Tumbleweed Farm and I am here to share as many interesting, tasty and fun ways to use up all of the spring bounty. This bok choy, kale and beet slaw is inspired by our CSA member’s weekly share because all of these veggies are making an appearance and I wanted to make something delicious and nutritious with the harvest. This slaw is so darn crunchy and flavorful and I cannot wait to hear what you all think of it. The dressing is awesome because it uses raw cashews, balsamic vinegar, dates and a little mustard that all get blended up in your food processor or blender and then you toss your veggies into a large bowl with the dressing and voila! That’s it! The dressing is a new favorite and I’m excited to do more things with it.

As a family we served the slaw with some hazelnut crusted chicken tenders (recipe here) and roasted beet chips. Pepper loved the beet chips and chicken tenders and picked out the beets and apple that were in the slaw and ate those elements only. Toddlers!! I’m just happy she loves beets. We’re working on greens! I think exposure is key. Even if I don’t think she’ll eat something I always make sure our plates look the same at mealtime because oftentimes she’ll surprise me and try something I didn’t think she’d be interested in. Lately that’s been raw radishes!! Who knew???

Anyhow, I hope you and your family love this simple slaw as much as we do. It’s a great way to incorporate the flavors of spring into a lovely, crunchy, slaw.

Cheers from Tumbleweed Farm!


Bok Choy, Kale & Beet Slaw with Creamy Cashew Dressing

Prep Time: 20 minutes    Cook Time: 0 minutes    Serves: 4

  • 1 head of Bok Choy, stems and greens very finely chopped/shredded (about 4 cups worth)
  • 1 bunch of kale, tough stems removed and greens very finely chopped/shredded (about 4 cups)
  • 1 cup shredded raw beets (from about 1-2 medium sized beets)
  • 1 medium sized apple, very finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews (sprouted if possible)
  • 1/4 cup water + more to thin as needed
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 dates, pitted
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • pinch of salt
  • sunflower seeds for topping


  1. Add all of the chopped veggies and fruit to a large bowl and toss to combine.
  2. Add the cashews, water, balsamic vinegar, dates, mustard and salt to a bowl of a food processor or high speed blender and whirl away until smooth, adding more water too thin as needed. Taste for seasonings and adjust if need be.
  3. Add half of the dressing to the slaw and toss/massage with your hands to coat. Add more dressing as needed and then sprinkle with sunflower seeds.


*Use this recipe as a guide and adjust measurements and ingredients as necessary.

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One thought on “Bok Choy, Kale & Beet Slaw with Creamy Cashew Dressing

  1. Phyllis says:

    We LOVED this recipe. Since I hate beets, I omitted it. And it was delicious and a keeper – thank you so much!!!!!!! I am in awe that you embraced your lifestyle – God Bless You,.

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