Dishing Up the Dirt

Grilled Lamb Chops with Arugula Chimichurri & Charred Garlic Scapes

One of the things that eating seasonally has taught me is to embrace the abundance of certain foods when they’re at their prime. It’s taken a few years to get here  but I now appreciate the short window of time when spring gems like garlic scapes, snap peas, asparagus, arugula and radishes are in full bloom. And I’m fully aware that it can seem boring to only eat those ingredients every day for weeks on end but the truth is, by the time we start to tire of them new vegetables are making their seasonal debut. And when you pair your veggies with some good quality meat (thanks Sakura Ridge for the lamb!) magical things happen in the kitchen!

In the spirit of celebrating the spring harvest I’ve got a simple recipe to share with you all. These lamb chops with arugula chimichurri and charred garlic scapes is a meal I think I could eat every night for the rest of the season. The chimichurri (which is traditionally made with parsley but the parsley at the farm is still a few weeks out) was so darn flavorful and I loved the slight kick that the arugula added. This meal was perfect for the farm crew on an extremely warm evening at Tumbleweed. We enjoyed this outside while still in our dirty farm clothes with a few beers and great company.

I hope you all enjoy this simple recipe as much as we do.

Cheers from Tumbleweed Farm


Grilled Lamb Chops with Arugula Chimichurri & Charred Garlic Scapes

Prep Time: 20 minutes    Cook Time: 10 minutes    Serves: 4

Arugula Chimichurri 
  • 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 3 garlic scapes, minced (or 3 cloves of garlic, minced)
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 cup arugula
  • 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Lamb Chops
  • 1 bunch of garlic scapes
  • olive oil
  • 4 lamb chops, patted dry with paper towels
  • salt and pepper
  • 4-5 radishes, thinly sliced


  1. Prepare the chimichurri by combining all the ingredients in a food processor and processing until smooth. Taste for seasonings and adjust as needed.
  2. Heat an outdoor grill to high heat. Toss the garlic scapes with olive oil and plenty of salt and pepper. Place them directly on the grill grates and grill for about 2 minutes per side or until lightly charred all over.
  3. Season the lamb chops with plenty of salt and pepper and place them directly on the grill. Cook for 2 minutes and then flip the chops. Cook for an additional 3 minutes (for medium-rare) or 3 1/2 minutes for medium.
  4. Serve the chops with the grilled scapes, radishes and drizzle with the chimichurri.


*Use this recipe as a guide *Adjust measurements and ingredients as necessary *Have fun in the kitchen

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