Dishing Up the Dirt

Curried Chickpea Salad Chard Wraps

I’m usually a collard green wrap kind of girl. Taylor is usually a corn tortilla kind of guy. If you can believe it, these swiss chard wraps are a game-changer. We both fought over the last one.

Our swiss chard is making its seasonal debut at Tumbleweed Farm and it’s been awesome adding this beautiful and nutritious green to our smoothies, salads, and now these delicious wraps.

The curried chickpea salad in these wraps was so good that I’ve already made a double batch.  If you are in a pinch for time around lunch this is going to be your new go-to. These can be whipped up in less than 10 minutes and keep well for days. Who can beat that?

I hope you all enjoy this simple and nutritious lunch as much as we do. Cheers.

Curried Chickpea Salad Swiss Chard Wraps

Prep Time: 15 minutes    Cook Time: 0 minutes    Serves: 4

  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas (if canned rinsed and drained)
  • 2 celery sticks, diced
  • 1 cup carrots, sliced into thin matchsticks
  • 1/2 cup parsley, minced
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  • 4-6 large swiss chard leaves
For the Curry Sauce:
  • 1/4 cup tahini
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons pure maple syrup
  • 1/2 Tablespoon curry powder (start with this amount and add more if you like the heat)
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the chard leaves by shaving down the thick stalk. Set aside.
  2. Combine all the ingredients for the curry sauce together and whisk until smooth. This works best with an immersion blender. Taste test and adjust seasonings if necessary. I added more curry powder!
  3. In a large bowl combine the chickpeas, celery, carrots, parsley, raisins and sunflower seeds. Stir in curry sauce and place an even amount of the salad on each swiss chard leaf and wrap up like a burrito. Enjoy!


*Use this recipe as a guide *Adjust measurements and ingredients as necessary *Always taste test as you go

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11 thoughts on “Curried Chickpea Salad Chard Wraps

  1. These look so tasty and super easy as well! The curry sauce sounds delish.

  2. That looks delicious! I love curried chickpeas, sounds like a great way to use them! 🙂

  3. These sure do look like a game-changer! I’ve never thought to put anything curried in a wrap. If they get Taylor’s stamp of approval, we just have to try them out! Swiss chard is so pretty, but I never have many ideas for what to do with it. Good thing that inspiring people with this type of recipe is your specialty!

  4. Margie says:

    Some day, when you are not dog-tired and lying in the field after a long day, I think you should write a cookbook–just a collection of your lovely recipes and pictures, all in one spot. I do so love following your blog and think a book would be wonderful, too.

    Just a thought for a rainy day somewhere in the future….

  5. Allison says:

    I love this idea! I’m totally addicted to tahini and much prefer the flavour over mayo. Your swiss chards looks so healthy and beautiful! The colour of the stems is breathtaking! All of the textures and flavours are making my mouth water. I think the sunflower seeds and raisin seal the deal for me. Yum!

  6. Kate says:

    This is incredible! I decided to add it to spinach as a salad instead, but the flavors are off the hook delicious!

  7. This looks like an amazing lunch- filling, healthy, AND delicious!

  8. Kim says:

    Great recipe, Andrea! I just made the salad and am letting it chill in the fridge for dinner. I cooked a huge pot of garbanzos this morning so I would have enough for these wraps tonight and your collard green wraps tomorrow (we’ve made that one once before and loved it). Thanks for the yummy inspiration and glad you got to see Steph this weekend. 🙂 Happy farming and cooking! — kim

    1. Andrea says:

      Thanks for the lovely comment Kim! I’m glad you guys are enjoying the recipes. It was so wonderful seeing Steph this past weekend. If you guys ever make it up to Hood River come say hi!!! XO

  9. Letty says:

    These look so good. Rainbow chard came in our Ranui CSA box this week. I posted your link on the Ranui FB page. Can’t wait to try them.

    1. Andrea says:

      Awesome! Thanks for linking my recipe and I hope you enjoy these wraps as much as we do!

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