We woke up to a fresh blanket of snow on Monday morning. Taylor and I bundled up, grabbed Henry and headed out to the fields to make sure the chickens were doing alright. They’ve slowed down their egg production quite a bit with the shorter days however, we’re still getting enough to enjoy ourselves (not many to sell these days though.) The ladies greeted us and anxiously waited while we replenished their feed and water. After they were all squared away we investigated the greenhouses and did a brisk walk around the fields before heading back inside to stoke the wood stove and brew an extra large pot of coffee.
These dark mornings and chilly days sure have their perks. Yes, the air is harsh and the snow makes it harder to get work done around the farm but we happily invite the simplicity of sipping coffee and warming our hands and feet by the fire each morning. Most of the farm year is rushed and stressful so these simple moments are happy celebrations in our house.
Taylor spent the majority of this past week on the tractor clearing the property line and getting things squared away for the deer fence that we’ll start building in the next few weeks. We also spent a few afternoons lighting 4 different burn piles and organizing the barn with all of the winter squash, root veggies and potatoes that will keep us fed all winter long. These days the farm is weirdly quiet and somewhat peaceful. It’s a strange time of the year when Tumbleweed isn’t nearly as demanding and somehow encourages us to spend our mornings filling our coffee mugs up one more time before heading out for daily chores.
This weekend we have plans to make a large batch of winter squash soup to bring down to some neighbors who are in the middle of remolding their kitchen and don’t have a working stove. We’ll also be inviting those same neighbors over for the final burn pile of the season- which will include s’mores, whiskey and hot chili. An Evening around a roaring fire with good friends and tasty food sounds like a pretty good weekend to me.
I hope this weekend you all get to gather around the table and enjoy nourishing food with folks you’re stoked to be surrounded by. Cheers from Tumbleweed.
Andrea, I follow your blog and happily cook your recipes from overseas (first Russia and now Germany). Reading your posts truly makes me want to kick it all and become a farmer. Love it! Enjoy your “slower time of the year’ and good luck with your book! Can’t wait for it to come out.
great pictures and nearly poetic words. Again a picture of Taylor, now also one of you I’d love copies of. Stay warm.
Your weekend plans are awesome!
Love your photos and especially you holding the chicken. I live in Florida and it is still in the 80’s everyday and I’ve already planted my fall garden which was too early to do and some crops have slowed because it’s too hot. Love looking at your snow covered fields.
I love your blog..the photos, recipes , life on the farm..thanks so much for sharing!
I am a new reader of your blog and really am enjoying your content so far! It is great to actually slow down and enjoy a moment. I think we, as a society, don’t do this enough! It is a lot like meditating in my book. Have fun with your friends. 🙂
Love your words about simplicity – and squash – and making squash soup –
and the snow – brings a quietness and again simplicity
Would love to have you, Taylor and Henry as our neighbors! You are a hardworking duo but yet find time to share your bounty from the farm as well as your friendship with family and friends. May you all enjoy a peaceful and plentiful holiday season!