There are 5 necessary things that should be in a farmers back pocket at all times.
1. A pocket knife
2. Sunscreen
3. Advil
4. Band-aids
5. A little piece of paper that reads “I know you’re in pain now but this will all be worth it. Keep calm and farm on.”
Things are getting real out there guys. After 8 hours spent in a back breaking position I am proud to say we have our first planting of kale, collards, onions, shallots and leeks in the ground! We are excited and terrified at the same time. Our little plants are now exposed to all the elements.
Fingers and toes have never been crossed so hard!
The good news is that we found a tractor driver! Thanks Henry.
I think tonight will be another restless night for Taylor and me. We are confident that our plants will be fine, but there are still voices in the backs of our heads saying something bad will happen. Watching the weather channel is not helping either…. Instead lets focus on dinner!
These Carrot-Ginger-Broccoli Rice bowls are pretty darn awesome. I have always loved the combination of carrot and ginger together. The addition of broccoli was a nice touch to this easy meal. Dig in!
Carrot-Ginger-Broccoli Rice Bowls (serves 2)
1 TBS olive oil
2 large carrots, chopped into 1 inch pieces
1 small head of broccoli, chopped into florets
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice (3/4 cup uncooked)
1 TBS fresh minced ginger
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 TBS honey
1 TBS rice wine vinegar
2 TBS Tamari sauce
a handful of unsweetened coconut flakes, toasted
1. Preheat the oven to 400. Combined broccoli and carrots with 1 TBS olive oil. Spread on a prepared baking sheet and roast in the oven for about 20-25 minutes (or until carrots are tender and broccoli is slightly browned)Turning mixture at least once.
2. Cook your rice according to package directions
3. Whisk together the ginger, garlic, honey, vinegar, and tamari.
4. Once veggies are done roasting combine them with the rice and drizzle on sauce. Enjoy!
That looks like ridiculously hard work. How on earth do you have energy to cook after a day in the fields?! I love the carrot-ginger combo too, and a little extra green in there is always a good thing!
We make rice bowls a lot. Have you ever made Heidi Swanson’s sushi rice bowl? Yum! I can’t wait to try your version!
Happy to hear your seeds are in the ground and my fingers and toes are crossed with ya! Your rice bowl looks delicious!
Wow, I did not know when to plant is important – but yes, I do see what would cause anxiety! Good luck with everything!
I mean I did know when to plant is important….but now I know how important it is to!
I said it rather clumsily, but you know what I mean…
haha! I got ya Sue! Thanks for the comment!
Praying for sun! I’d like to get my lettuce and spinach planted in my little garden!
I don’t make rice very often (mostly because I’m incapable of making it properly), but this bowl seems entirely worth it. Love the addition of coconut flakes
I LOVE carrots, so this looks perfect. I might even throw in some sweet potatoes or parsnips, too! 🙂
I love the picture of Henry and the tractor. So cool! 🙂 I would love to try this rice bowl. The idea of carrot and ginger combined together sounds terrific. And the sprinkle of coconut flakes -yum!
A beautiful bowl and I loved your list of must-haves. I think we all need to carry gentle reminders to press on! Thank you for sharing, sweet friend!
Look at that tractor! Do they even make Internationals anymore? I love it. My step dad had a blue New Holland on the farm I grew up on that looked a lot like that. Old and awesome.
And I love the coconut flakes idea on this.
Keep calm and farm on = I love it!
And sorry that you had a rough day per the comment you just left me but hopefully you have a nice, calm evening in store. The carrot ginger brock bowl looks wonderful!
LOVE the new look of the blog! So beautiful and clean and fresh. And the radish at the top is awesome 🙂
This sounds really tasty, and I happen to have most of these things in my kitchen at this very moment! Excellent…..
And I know what you mean about the nervousness that comes with putting new plants in the ground. I had ordered two baby roses last month and had nightmares the night after I transplanted them that they had been trampled overnight. Twas just a dream of course and so when I woke up they were fine. But I have had many little transplants destroyed by squirrels and their incessant digging, so I feel your anxiety. Sending positive plant protection vibes your way!
Yup, I still want to be you. THat ground looks gorgeous. I love me some read life, back breaking work. And the result will be such deliciousnes
I’m wondering if you use floating row cover? Nothing would survive here if I didn’t use row cover unitl it got a decent start… it heats the soil up about 10 degrees
Your site looks a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Loving the makeover 😉
Also, my boyfriend would LOVE me to make this for dinner! He’s gaga for anything carrot- ginger.
Your photography and site are stunning! Can’t wait to explore more 🙂
gorgeous pics! I love carrots with ginger too!
hahahaha Love item n.5!