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Our bags are packed, my radio is set to the country station, and I have my favorite homemade juice ready to slurp down on the road.
Henry and I are heading to the big city today. Look out Portland here we come! (When you live in a small town like we do, Portland, OR is a HUGE city!)
We have people to meet, errands to run, and equipment to pick up. Portland is only an hour away but I love a good car ride. Country music and my favorite sidekick. Life doesn’t get much better.
Wait, life does get a little better. This juice. This juice is so stinking good and healthy I can’t stand it. It is packed with 100 percent nutrition and the highlight for me is the beets.
I have told Taylor a million times that if our house were to ever catch on fire I would run in to grab my juicer and immersion blender. I can’t imagine life without either of these kitchen gadgets!
A truck full of beets is pretty much my idea of heaven. How beautiful are they? Pure love.
This juice was our go-to drink almost every morning while we were working on Hutchins Farm. With a juice like this in your system you don’t need any coffee. You will automatically feel like the energizer bunny!
Unfortunately, I think you need a juicer to make this. I haven’t tried it in a high speed blender but if any of you try it that way let me know how it works.
Apple, Beet, Carrot, Ginger Juice (makes about 2 cups)
1 large apple
2 large carrots
1 large beet
1/2 piece of ginger
Chop up your veggies into 1 inch pieces and throw them in your juicer. Juice away and enjoy!